Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Doctrine of Last Things

I believe that death is coming for everyone (Gen. 3:19; Heb. 9:27) unless Jesus returns first (1 Thess. 4:15-18). Death is the separation of what was never meant to be separated—material body from immaterial soul (Eccl. 12:7, Matt. 10:28) and separation from fellowship with God (Eph 2:1, 12). All people die physically; some die spiritually. Death is not a natural part of living, we were created for eternal life with God, but sin brought about death (Rom. 5:12). Death is an enemy that Jesus has conquered (1 Cor. 15:26, 50-58). Upon physical death the immaterial soul enters an intermediate state—believers to paradise with the Lord (Lk. 23:43; 2 Cor. 5:8), unbelievers to a place of punishment (Lk. 16:22-23)—where they remain until the resurrection at the return of Christ (Rev. 20:11-13). At the resurrection, believer’s bodies will be reunited with their souls (1 Cor. 15:53) and will face judgment at the Bema seat of Christ, receiving rewards according to their faithfulness (2 Cor. 5:10; Matt. 25:23). Believers will reign with God during the millennium and will dwell with Him forever on the new earth in glorified bodies (Rev. 21:3, 6).

I believe that prior to Christ’s return, there will be increased tribulation of satanic influence on the earth (Jn. 16:33; Acts 14:22), culminating in a Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:4-21; 2 Thess. 2:3-12). During this time, God will judge His enemies (Rev. 6:15-17), purify Israel (Jer. 30:7), and protect the church (1 Thess. 1:10; Rev. 3:10) as He did the Israelites during the plagues in Egypt. At the end of this Tribulation, Christ will return suddenly, personally, and visibly (Matt. 24:29-31; Acts 1:11; Rev. 19:11-16) and rapture His church (1 Thess. 4:16-17). Believers will join Jesus in triumphal procession as He comes to establish His millennial kingdom on the earth, reigning from His throne in Jerusalem (Rev. 20:1-6; Isa. 2:2-4). After these thousand years of peace and righteousness (Isa. 11:6-10; 65:20-25), Christ will release Satan, defeat him, and cast him into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:7-9). Unbeliever’s will be judged at the Great White Throne and will join Satan in hell, experiencing conscious torment apart from God forever (2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 20:11-15). Jesus will deliver the kingdom over to His Father (1 Cor. 15:24-28) and will bring history to a close, instituting the eternal state—a new heavens and new earth—where God will dwell with His people forever (2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21-22). I believe that Christ is coming soon (Rev 22:20). His return is certain (Matt. 26:64), though the exact time is not known (Mk. 13:32; Acts 1:7). We wait in eager anticipation. Come, Lord Jesus!

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