Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Don't Want to Be a Debbie Downer

I’ve been doing a lot of introspection lately and have been thinking about this question: “How do people perceive me?” At times I think I know, but I’m not always sure that my mental version of me is the real version of me. (Can anyone relate?)

The fact is this: My personality tends to be more serious than silly, more intense than laid back. I’m not a naturally ‘bubbly’ person and have never been described as ‘spunky!’ In the realm of observation, I tend to be more critical than sensitive, more aware of ‘flaws to be fixed’ than ‘successes to be celebrated.’ The glass usually looks half-empty to me. Unfortunately, my serious-intense-criticalness often comes across as mean-abrasive-arrogance. And that’s not good! I’ve been convicted recently and am being challenged regularly to become more balanced in personality and positive in outlook. I cannot change the way I’m wired, but I can work with Jesus to uproot my sins and cultivate what remains.

Bottom Line: I want to be a life-giving person, not a life-draining person. I want to be joy-infusing, hope-producing, and grace-abounding. When I walk into a room may people’s hearts lift and think “oh good, I’m glad he’s here!” When I leave a room may there never be a sigh of relief with the accompanying thought “oh good, I'm glad he’s gone.” I never want to stress people out, make them feel dumb, or demean. I want my words to build up, not tear down…to be uplifting, never discouraging. Even in the little things I say, in the one-line replies and brief conversations, I want to offer hope. I want to impart life!

Thinking about these things reminded me of some hilarious SNL skits from a while back. To sum this up… I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer.